Nomad Daily with Jay Cradeur – A New Kind Of Podcast
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60 Seconds Per Day!
This is your daily dose of a wonderful nomadic elixir. Every day, Jay Cradeur also known as “Nomad Jay” shares with you a poignant, bite-sized nugget of knowledge, inspiration, wisdom, entertainment and practical techniques. Whether you are an avid traveler, digital nomad, performance enthusiast, or someone who engages in the creative process, Jay presents potent, compelling and useful information. Jay, has traveled to or lived in 34 countries, so far, and expounds on the topics of Work, Travel, Performance and Creativity. Jay travels the world to bring you the best of the world. Start your day off where nomads of all types gather, here at Nomad Daily. Find it on Itunes, Podcast app, Spotify, Sticher, and wherever you listen to podcasts.