The more I work on building my Internet Marketing business, the more I realize what is required of me. The dreamy image of me of sitting behind a computer, spending a few hours a day typing away while large sums of money are flowing into my bank account is not reality. It is a very alluring image, and many less than scrupulous marketers will tell you this is the way it is, especially if you buy their product. But, make no mistake, it is a lie. You are going to have to get messy, challenge yourself, and in the process, discover just whom you are and what you are made of. This is the beauty of Internet Marketing.
At any given time, I work with work about 100 coaching clients. Each client has a dream, a vision, a strong reason why they want to change their life, earn additional revenue from home, and attain a greater degree of personal freedom. There is an initial excitement at the prospect of working toward a well-considered goal. Then the work begins. Most begin the work, but few will continue. At some point, the client will have to cross what I call the Comfort Bridge. This is the point in time when the proven and tested and very successful system will ask the client to do something that lives outside of their comfort zone.
The large majority of my clients have approached Internet Marketing as a way to help with their financial challenges. In short, there is not enough money at the end of the month, or, there is not enough money for a satisfying retirement. Money, and the things money can buy, is almost always the main driver for someone to explore Internet Marketing. It is one way you can work from home, and with a relatively low investment, start and build a powerful revenue generating business. When all goes to plan, this is a beautiful thing.
But it doesn’t always go to plan. This is because going with the plan involves discomfort. The plan requires a change in action, a change in the client’s past behavior that has not allowed the client to achieve financial independence. Doesn’t it make sense, that if what you have been doing has not worked, and someone shows you a plan that is working for thousands of people, you would make the change, simply out of pure logic and desire for change?
However, this is not a logical choice. It is emotional. Doing something outside of your comfort zone requires foresight and courage. Most people don’t have that. Most people would rather be broke and comfortable, than cross the Comfort Bridge and live a prosperous life full of daily discomfort. That is what it takes. Entrepreneurs have to raise start up capital. Entrepreneurs have to make commitments to get uncomfortable projects underway and complete. Entrepreneurs have to search for and achieve excellence. Entrepreneurs don’t drone on about how they can’t.
This blog is an invitation to cross the Comfort Bridge. The air is fresh and clean and invigorating over here. You will be surrounded with people who are living just at their edge, creating magic and making things happen. The stale smell of the air that has been stifling you will clear up once you cross the bridge. A whole new world awaits if you will but make a commitment, dare to be great, and venture out of your comfort zone. Won’t you join us?
About the Author
Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.