On Youth

On Youth


On Youth…

“I remember kneeling in the pews, letting my tongue touch the wood of the pew in front of me. It had a very unusual and appealing taste to me, so I would taste it often. I remember being bored most of the time, since I didn’t really understand what was happening up there in the front. Things did improve slightly once I received my first holy communion and I was able to participate in that sacrament from grade three to four. The best part of going to church on school days was the end. I remember experiencing pure exuberance when I could walk out the doors of the church, into the sunshine, and onto the school playground. I loved to play. That was all that really mattered to me, playing. Going to church, going to school, doing chores, those were all things that needed to be done so that I would have time to play.”

This is an except from a book in progress.

Please share an exuberant childhood memory? What made you smile so big your face hurt?

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

Be Kind

Be Kind

2013-07-26 16.05.46Sri Yukteswar addressing young Yogananda: “If you don’t like my words, you are at liberty to leave at any time. I want nothing from you but your own improvement. Stay only if you feel benefited.”

So much of what I see in Internet Marketing is purely money driven. It feels like piranhas gorging on the elephant in the river. This grab for the cash hardly demonstrates the best humankind can deliver. What inspires me is someone willing to be vulnerable and generous with their own story. I am interested in what makes us tick. I am intrigued by what we are doing here and where we are going. And I am exuberant about anyone with a sincere desire to wake up, tell their truth, and express their magnificence.

In the end, on our death beds, I feel we will measure our own selves, not by the size of our bank account, but rather by how we lived and how we touched others.

One of my favorite saying is this: Be Kind.

What is a favorite saying or mantra that shapes how you live each day?

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.




It’s time to stop playing small. That little voice in my head is not me and so I refuse to listen to it’s pernicious ego whisperings.  I will give all I have to give. I will be generous with my life’s story, no matter how vulnerable and exposed I feel. It is my privilege.

I will work day by day to develop the habits and obtain the knowledge to support me on my quest. It is a hero’s quest we are all on. The quest is for the fullest expression of who I am. This is where my gifts are to be found. This is the stuff of which an amazing life, my life, is born, nurtured and brought to an explosion of love and bliss and ultimate contentment.

I will play big starting now. I choose to live as a fully realized adult. I will flow with the universe and allow myself to be fully used by every atom of creation. I surrender. I Let Go. I gladly give. I am at the edge and leaping off into the great unknown. The space outside of my comfort zone will be my home.

Today truly is the first day of my life. I embrace the magnificence that lives within me, that is me and that is you too.

This is my law of existence. So may it be.

Empty and Meaningless

Empty and Meaningless

Life is empty and meaningless.

When Werner Erhard experienced his moment of awakening driving on the Golden Gate Bridge in 1971, this was his crystalline realization.

Life is empty and meaningless. It is we the people who assign to it all meaning and significance. For Werner Erhard, and just a few others that I am aware, all beliefs, assumptions, and social conditioning fell away. All that appeared was the space, or what he has called, a clearing, in which emptiness and meaninglessness simply are.

All of this is wonderful for us in two profound ways. First, we know such a moment of awakening, of the ultimate freedom, is available for us all. What one man can do, another can do. Second, if you accept (or at least understand the concept) that meaninglessness and emptiness is our natural state, our always present blank slate, then we all have the ability and unmitigated privilege to create any life we desire. Life is an immense white canvas, and we have the big box of 64 crayons. Color on, one and all. Anything is possible once we clear the clutter of our mind. This is the golden path. This is the holy journey. This is the ultimate undertaking for which we have arrived here now in this place.

Game on.

What is a powerful realization you have experienced? When did the way you see life shift? When did the clutter of your mind lighten up and you had a profound moment of clarity?

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

Be Kind

The Unrelenting Rain

Last week,  I told my Dad some advice I wish he had given me.  I said “Dad, you never told me this…  If you chop up jalapeno peppers, be sure to wash your hands before going to the bathroom.”  I told him I had a very uncomfortable hour at the It’s A Grind coffee shop while I was pondering this poem.  Needless to say, he laughed long and hard.  Good to see the old man laugh long and hard.  Really good!  I am so fortunate to have this time with him.

And so as I looked out the window, drinking my mocha, I thought about relationships in the context of a rainy day.


The Unrelenting Rain

God’s tears of uproarious  laughter as

men and women sort out the ancients

A herculean chance at redemption

The sound of rain sets me to trance


No way to avoid the travails if

you should dare tangle with Kali

Or choose easy peace and walk away

Tiny drip drops ease heart’s hurts


Stoic monks chant strong in golden light as

frankincense purifies all of our senses

They sacrifice for something quite profound

Water drops fall into churning ocean waves


Storms clouds always move fast and

it’s happening, slippery and out of control

Embrace the grey insanity or go crazy

Cool air refreshes the hurried harried spirit


Burn the pirate map to buried treasure for

the journey is underway now, and now

She is always out there, and I choose her

Water kissing my face makes me smile


Stand in the rain and get wet, there’s

no surprise and still we’re surprised

What a band of ridiculous brothers

Sorting out that which can’t be


The fire burns a saintly red glow with

your hand in mine, we walk the miles

Knowing you and feeling you like no other

Your delicate dancing rain opens my heart


Its grey outside, moist and intoxicating while

the fireplace inside roars delicious warmth

And so I traipse in for what we unwittingly long

Entwined, cuddled n warm for a wisp of a moment


Jay Cradeur

November 25, 2012

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

Be Kind

The River That Is Always Flowing.

Some words about love…..

The River That Is Always Flowing.

Not too long ago, a woman broke my heart. (I do realize I did it to myself, but let’s not get too bogged down in detail. Bear with me…)

This is not the first time. Far from it. In a long life in which I freely share my love, it is bound to happen from time to time. But this was different. I did not see it coming. If you have ever watched the show Survivor on television, you may have seen the dreaded blindside, where some poor player (aka Sap) thinks everything is fine and dandy, and then WHAM, he is sent home packing. Never saw it coming. Had I seen it coming, it would have been different. But I didn’t see it coming, and for that I am now eternally grateful. I wasn’t so grateful back then when it happened. Oh no! Since it was such a sudden surprise, the sting was ever so potent.

Each time I have felt the despair of the loss of a partner, I go to a place where I find solace. No, it’s not Krispy Kreme! Rather, this is a place of nourishment (definitely not KK), a place of stillness, a place of beauty and grace. It lives in the depth of my soul like a river that is always flowing. Each time I go there, I am reminded that this place is my home. And each time I go there, I keep more and more of it with me.

I recently invited someone to say the words “I love you.” I wonder if folks realize that saying “I love you” is a gift we give to ourselves. It is such a statement of expansion, and inclusion, and magnanimity. I am a fortunate guy for I have loads of people who tell me they love me. My friends and family are the best. But what is even better than hearing it, and feeling it, is telling someone that I love them. There is available, each and every time, an amazing gift in the speaking of those words. It is a release, a freeing up, and a powerful statement of generosity and gratitude. But most hold it back, living as if love is in short supply, so better not let too much of it go. You might run out?

While some live a life designed to protect the proverbial heart, I suggest they are missing out on the real sustenance of our existence. The love of another is not it. The love of a God is not it. It is not even the love of a child. No doubt, these all feel good when they appear, but they are tenuous at best. There lives in the river that is always flowing a love which I am. It is not something I need to protect or defend or hold back. It doesn’t get hurt and it doesn’t run out. It is always pulsing through our veins and imbuing us with every breath. This is a profound paradigm shift, tilting our individual axis to a world of love and generosity, rather that grasp and defend. Try it on for size. You’ll see, the sun suddenly shines through the window much brighter.

The wailing of broken hearts is the doorway to God.

~ Rumi


And so, why not go out into the world and feel the release of letting go? Unclench the tightening fist. Feel what is already there, and has been hiding all along. Go love someone like crazy and see what happens. Don’t let the fear stop you. If your heart gets obliterated from time to time, so much the better. The goal is not to stay intact, but to vaporize and reconstitute and expand. This is the fundamental nature of transformation. Dive deep into the river that is always flowing. A broken heart is one way in. A broken heart is a swan dive into the waters of the divine. Feel that which never disappoints. Feel who you are beneath all the layers of protection and defense mechanisms. There you will find love. There you will find you. There you will dance like a dervish, mindless and free.


By Jay Cradeur
November 21, 2012

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.