Make Your Content Bite-Sized

Make Your Content Bite-Sized

As attention spans decrease, and more people consume their content on their mobile devices, it is increasingly important for marketers to make sure that their content is optimized for mobile use. In fact, many marketers are taking a design-for-mobile-first approach.

Until recently, designing for mobile devices was done as an afterthought. Nowadays, mobile design should be front and center. In addition, content marketers should pay attention to how consumers like to digest their content.

With so many social media channels and the vast amounts of user data that comes with them, marketers have an unprecedented opportunity to learn how people interact with content and what their preferences are.

For instance, image-driven sites like Instagram and Pinterest are teaching us that people prefer images over text, in many cases.
Here are some tips for creating digestible content that is also mobile-friendly.

Take a modular approach

Start by breaking content up into small, digestible bits. People can always click “read more” if they like the content. One way to do this is through a slide deck of photos with captions. Another is to divide long articles into sections and use lots of sub-headers and lists to make your content easy to scan or read.

Focus on the summary

Put extra effort into your article summary – this is the portion of your article that is most likely to be read, especially on mobile devices. If your summary is punchy and entertaining, your readers will stay with you.

Variety is the spice of life

Generate a variety of content and vary the lengths of your pieces. Keep in mind that long-form content is good for SEO and short content is better for mobile. Break up articles with slide-decks, videos, infographics and images. A variety of content will appeal to more people and will be accessible on more devices.

Since your content is likely to be viewed on a mobile device, it is important to take a less-is-more attitude. In other words, make your important points right away and write with efficiency.

Pay attention to the format of your content:

  • Use easy-to-read fonts
  • Incorporate visual elements
  • Streamline your text layout
  • Link to secondary content
  • Close-crop images
  • Write tight headlines

Mobile devices, along with social media like Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest have changed the way we digest content. Marketers who are aware of this and design their content to be mobile-friendly and broken up into bite-sized digestible bits will stand a better chance of attracting and engaging an audience.

Monitoring the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

What is Programmatic Ad Buying?

What is Programmatic Ad Buying?

Programmatic advertising is a trending topic in the world of marketing. However, it is not well-understood because it is complex and shrouded behind a wall of industry lingo like SSPs, DSPs, RTB and DMP. This article will offer a quick overview of programmatic advertising in order to demystify the subject.

Programmatic advertising is the next logical step past the traditional system of media buyers and sellers.
Using emerging technology, programmatic ads are bought and sold through auctions via automated systems – or bots. At the moment, online ads are mainly being sold programmatically, but all advertising will be bought and sold this way in the future.

Most of the process is automated, from generating insertion orders, trafficking the ad to collecting data. This allows advertisers to buy ads that target specific audiences by using data to figure out when, how, and where to place the ads.

This method improves efficiency, and reduces cost. In addition, programmatic advertising allows marketers to fine-tune their targeting to reach their exact audience. An advertiser will set up parameters such as network reach, and bid price. The service will automatically match the parameters with audience data to make targeted ad purchases.

Some benefits of programmatic advertising are, transparent pricing, and the ability of buyers to use third-party data to optimize their advertising campaigns.

Ad-retargeting is an example of how programmatic advertising works. Retargeting works automatically to help marketers reach out to the majority of visitors who bounce off of a site before making a purchase.

Contrary to popular belief, programmatic buying is not remnant ad buying. It is an extension of traditional ad-buying that uses automated systems to maximize efficiency.

Programmatic advertising lingo

Here are some common terms and definitions commonly used in connection with programmatic advertising:

Ad exchange: This is on online marketplace where eligible buyers purchase impressions from participating vendors such as publishers and ad networks. The marketplace will announce individual impressions in real-time and ask buyers to purchase the impression at a specific price.

ATD – Agency Trading Desk: This is the department within an ad agency that handles programmatic buying for that agency.

DMP – Data Management Platform: This is a centralized place to integrate a marketer’s own data with third-party data, that is, data collected by other websites. This helps marketers to understand their audience in order to more precisely target their advertising.

DSP – Demand Side Platform: This is an automated purchasing platform that works by using algorithms to target ad impressions. These are usually integrated into ad exchanges or other supply sources.

RTB – Real-Time Bidding: This is an automatic process that allows marketers to trade digital media assets in real-time, via auction.

SSP – Sell Side Platform: This is a method for selling a publisher’s inventory using agency trading desks, advertisers and ad exchanges.

Programmatic advertising allows marketers to make smart, efficient and targeted advertising purchases. This helps marketers get the most impact for their advertising dollars.

Monitoring the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

Why blogging is still important

Why blogging is still important

With the emergence of social media and micro-blogging, many marketers and business people are neglecting their own blogs.

Is this wise?

No, for several reasons:

  • You own your blog

Third-party blog sites and social media sites are subject to change or closure, along with the content. Think about the fate of sites such as Friendster, MySpace, or Geocities. At the moment, people are actively searching for replacements for Facebook. For example, the recent exodus to newcomer social media website Ello made headlines.

  • A blog re-enforces branding

One primary goal for many marketers is to drive traffic to their primary website. A fresh, frequently-updated blog shows visitors that this website is up-to-date, which adds to its authority. A blog is also an excellent place to re-enforce your brand message.

  • Better analytics

While social media sites and third-party blog sites offer analytics tools, nothing compares to the data you can gather from your own, hosted website. A blog is the perfect place to publish and study content at a very detailed, or granular, level.

In addition to the analytics tools available on your webhost, there are several high-quality analytics services such as crazy egg and Kissmetrics help you gather even more targeted data. However; all this begins with your own web property, including your blog.

  • Google loves blogs

Blogs are great for SEO for a couple of reasons. One is that blog content offers ongoing opportunities for keyword ranking. In particular, long-tail keywords. Blog posts are the perfect place to insert keywords and key-phrases where they will fit in naturally.

Additionally, Google gives websites with fresh content higher ranking priority over websites that are not updated on a regular basis.

Are you convinced that blogging is still relevant and important?

If so, read on for tips on effective blogging.

Blogging Best Practices:

Blogs are much more than a place to put keywords for SEO purposes. The real goal of a blog should be to engage with your audience and display your expertise. There are several things you can do to make sure that your content is interesting and appealing.

Get inside the mind of your audience

Perhaps the most important thing to do is get inside the mind of your audience. Some companies take the step of creating personas to help them visualize and relate to their customers. The better you understand who your audience is, the better you will understand how to write for them.

Show some personality

Many people write in a dry style that is very different from how they would speak to a friend or colleague. What makes a blog interesting; however, is the writer’s personality. Try to write the way that you speak. One way to do this is to record yourself speaking on a topic. Then transcribe your recording. This will help you bridge the gap between how you speak and how you write. Your personality will help to set your blog apart.

Be consistent

Try to write at least one blog post per week. It also helps to post at the same time on the same day. Experiment to find the day and time that most of your readers are likely to read your post and then make that your time to post every week.

In spite of the rise of social media, blogging continues to be an important content marketing tool. If you write interesting posts with lots of personality on a consistent basis, you are sure to increase both engagement and traffic.

Monitoring the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.

Become an authority using case studies

Become an authority using case studies

A major goal of most marketers is to become an authority within their niche. Why? Because people trust, respect and make purchases from authority figures. One excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise is to provide case studies. A well-written case study will help you position yourself as an authority. Case studies are compelling because they provide concrete evidence or proof of how well a product or service works.

There are two basic kinds of case studies that you can put together, both of which we will examine in this article: The customer based case study and the information based case study.

How to do a customer-based case study

A customer case study is a great way to demonstrate the value of a product or service. Potential buyers naturally trust other customers. This is known as social proof, and it is a very powerful marketing tool. If you have done your market research prior to launching your product or service, you have identified a problem to solve. In the case study, you’ll want to show how your product or service solves this problem.

The key to a great customer case study is detail. Provide concrete evidence such as before and after numbers, percentages and statistics. Data provides concrete proof, which builds credibility. Consider the following two sentences.

“Our sales increased after we used ABC Marketing System.”

“After three weeks of using the ABC Marketing System, we saw traffic and sales increase by 20 percent.”

Which of these two is more strong and convincing?

The second sentence is automatically more credible because it gives specific numbers. “Sales increased by 20 percent.”

Once your case study is written, you can make it more accessible by formatting it for readability. Use info-graphics, images or a slideshow. Break up your text with headers and bullet-points as well.

How to do an information case study

The first step in an information case study is to identify a problem that is related to your niche. Search forums, social media and Q&A sites to find questions that people are asking. A great candidate for a case study is a question that comes up frequently, but there are very few answers being offered.

Once you have a question or problem to solve, do a Google search and study the questions being asked and the quality of the answers. Take notes on the various tips and select the best, most interesting and creative ones.

Next, try out the tips yourself, and gather information on the results. Write up an article that details your experiment. Be sure to include screenshots and images that show exactly how you came up with your results. You earn bonus points if you create a video case-study.

Monitoring the social media marketing landscape is vital to your success. If you’d like to have access to even more powerful marketing tips, as well as a way to generate conversion-ready Internet marketing prospects each month, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.


About the Author

Jay Cradeur Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.