Sri Yukteswar addressing young Yogananda: “If you don’t like my words, you are at liberty to leave at any time. I want nothing from you but your own improvement. Stay only if you feel benefited.”
So much of what I see in Internet Marketing is purely money driven. It feels like piranhas gorging on the elephant in the river. This grab for the cash hardly demonstrates the best humankind can deliver. What inspires me is someone willing to be vulnerable and generous with their own story. I am interested in what makes us tick. I am intrigued by what we are doing here and where we are going. And I am exuberant about anyone with a sincere desire to wake up, tell their truth, and express their magnificence.
In the end, on our death beds, I feel we will measure our own selves, not by the size of our bank account, but rather by how we lived and how we touched others.
One of my favorite saying is this: Be Kind.
What is a favorite saying or mantra that shapes how you live each day?
About the Author
Jay Cradeur is an author, blogger, internet marketer, world traveler, and coach. Jay has helped thousands to achieve their dreams of financial independence. As an internet marketing coach with a focus on personal development, Jay may be able to assist you in reaching your goals. You can work with Jay for a 100% refundable fee of $49 by clicking on this link and committing to your future. Work with Coach Jay.