About Jay

About Jay Cradeur

Jay Cradeur is a graduate of UC Berkeley where he graduated with a BS in Business Administration.  After 10 years of working for Leo Burnett, Foote Cone and Belding, and Univision, Jay struck out into the world of 100% commission sales at the age of 30, selling advertising on shopping carts inside of Safeway stores.  3 years later, Jay started his own advertising company called Color Cart based in Sonoma County, CA which provided the industry’s first full color advertisements.  In 1997, Jay sold Color Cart and joined a big-ticket direct sales company where over the next 3 years, he started another company, Empower Quest Services, which provided leads to direct sales customers.

In 2000, Jay moved his family to Bath England for a one year hiatus.  Upon returning to America, Jay began a passionate trek in the field of personal development, which was sparked by a 2 year apprentice relationship with author Stuart Wilde.   Jay created a men’s event called “The Bridge” which allowed men to explore their deepest feelings and fears in an effort to increase vitality and purpose.  Jay is the author of the book, Radical Freedom, 44 Steps To Ignite Transformation and Bring Your Exuberance, Magic and Gifts to the World.

Jay’s current mission is to encourage and support people to travel the world, to explore cultures and people other than their own, to decimate the “us vs them” worldview that is proving to be so detrimental to our species.  Jay is planning a 1 year, 24 stop world trip in which he will document with words, images, and videos the amazing and wondrous qualities of all the world’s people.  This is the essence of the Nomad Jay project.

Here is some feedback from those who have worked with Jay and attended one of his live events.

“The event weekend is an opportunity to explore the experiences in one’s life that have lead them to the place they are now. I found the elements of ego and self/belief and Portal very opening to understanding how I function in this world and how I would like to function. I left this weekend feeling very peaceful and grounded.”

Grenville, Analyst


“The event is a powerful experience. It is a place to meet the truth of my being and examine my life. I am refocused and energized about the excitement and joy in my life. The opportunity to connect with the others and to let down my guard and be my true self is an incredible experience. Thank you, Jay!”

Doug, Engineering Supervisor.


“The event is a great experience of mystery and camaraderie. It’s a great way to explore your soul and have an experience of your essence.”

Demian, Entrepreneur


“I was looking for a ground breaking, earth shattering experience. I’ve had them before in Jay’s presence. But the Bridge is wholly different in experience: subtle and understated – yet no less profound and impactful. I sought relief from the tension and stress, pressure I consistently put upon myself. And I found it, not through a god smack / lightning bolt of irreversible change, but through a gentle reminder and a sort of psycho-spiritual night light being illuminated, easy to miss but undeniably there. Thank you, Jay.”

Brent, Writer


“For me, the event was a life changing talk about cutting the bullshit and really bonding with others. This is the only place I have ever experienced anything like that!”

Tony, Real Estate Broker


“I came in wanting to overcome my inability to speak with confidence to others. After on process and the following morning, I gained the insight that I have such a continuous fear of rejection and non-acceptance from others. I was able to say for the first time – To Hell With It!

Anton from Missouri.


“I found this event to be: Transformative, Opening, Clearing, Shifting, Moving, Daring, Confronting of Self, Honoring, Self Journey, Owning, and Raising Consciousness.”

Daniel, Banking Consultant


I can highly recommend the event I flew in from Florida, but am from Israel. Jay was a cool leader, leading by example, and so were his supportive elders.

David Kenny, Peace Builder


“If you are ready and willing to share the experience of your ancestors, I would encourage you to enter the unknown, while at the same time bringing an open mind, where the impossible does exist within each and every one of us!”

Moses, Counselor / Program Manager


“As a meat eating, poker playing, everyday normal American, this event is not ethereal hyperbole. It is accessible and digestible, yet challenging and extremely beneficial. There is so much here at this event that I struggle to see how it could not completely satisfy the needs of a group that are scattered across the development spectrum. I highly recommend attending and I look forward to meeting you because I can’t see missing this event!”

Gary, Managing Member


“It was a no bull opportunity to take a deep and honest look at the depths of my being. I found many pieces of what has made me that I had not fully dealt with. I found ways to deal with my issues and made progress in acceptance or moving to clear the conflict they cause me. I found strength and support in sharing in this process with others. I took an assessment of where my life is and where I really want it to be. I found a need to refocus my pathway in life. This is truly a life changing event if you let it be.”

Bob, Military Analyst


“It was an opportunity for all of the participants to discover their own real truth. I discovered my life experience, both good and bad, and what makes me who I am.”

Brian, Production Assembly


“The most powerful experience I had during the event was when we let go of things we had done and that had been done to us. For me, this was an extremely powerful exercise in releasing “burdens” that weigh heavily on my mind. While this was a very difficult exercise that took a great deal of courage, it was also very rewarding. Also, the “death ritual” was an experience I will never forget!”

Jason, Team Leader


“I feel the event is one of the greatest experiences I have had. It showed me a way to look at things differently and objectively. If a person is looking to really test themselves and look at who they really are and where they stand with it, then this event is the place to be. Thanks for the opportunity for this gift in my life!”

Fred, Ramp Operator


“The event fed a part of my soul that I didn’t know was hungry. I pushed myself to come here, but once I arrived I was carried by the strength of the others. In the first rounds of sharing in the circle, everyone was willing to share their deepest secrets with me and darkest sources of shame, to trust me with this information. I learned there about the force that keeps my heart beating and air in my lungs. How strong it is! How it wants nothing more than to flee from death and revel in the ecstasy of motion, and that which moves and is alive. I know now this life force will at some point leave my physical body. And because of this I cherish it! Most importantly, I got the blessing of others and the chance to bless them with my presence. I got to feed a part of my soul that I did not know was hungry.”

Dan, Student


“What I got out of the event is the true foundation of what man is in the depth of his soul. I found meaning behind my fears and dove into the truth of why we are who we are. And we cannot change who we are until dive into the fear and embrace it and make it our strength instead of our weakness. Then we can change our energy. The event has given me a chance to look at my life and deal with the true essence of how I became myself and to turn the events of my life that I hated into positives to complete the man I am.”

Aaron, Security


“From the moment of the sweat lodge I felt I was marked for death by a symbol of initiation. I felt alone in my plight and yet a part of a group that would experience the same. Guided by others whom have experienced a similar rite of passage before, I did not know what I was in for and fear began to set in. I came to the event to drop an old part of myself and give birth to a deeper, more authentic one.

What I found through the process was much more than I had hoped. I found myself among men whom have experienced deep wounding, shame, fear and tremendous pain, just as I have. These men shared with me the courage to admit these weaknesses and express a true vulnerability that has left an opening within me like a river cutting its way through the landscape of my defenses. Where I was once a frightened, timid and shamed boy, I am finding that I have a voice to speak what I feel and think without doubt of who I am as a person. There is a place of honor inside where I used to feel shame, and it is real, the shift has really happened in me. I am honored to have participated in the group and lastly, I feel an honor within myself for who I am and what I have to say. Fucking Awesome!”

Michael, Botanist, Student


“Another layer of my onion has been released. I am aware of a life long pattern of behavior that has never served me well. It has been a continuous block I have used to avoid walking through my fear. I learned that I have used embarrassment and withdrawal to avoid the pain of accepting ME just as I am. YES!!”

Don, Retired


“What I got out of The Bridge is the blessing and meaning of real friendship – and that it does not take a lifetime or even years, but maybe only the experience of a vulnerable open heart shared and witnessed in a group to cement the bond.

Also, when confronting my own fears with a group in a setting of beauty and under the loose, but skilled guidance of an experienced facilitator, the lines and boundaries get blurred and even melt. It is then the magic / love / light penetrates and oh brother, watch out, because I then enter the land of miracles.”

David, Construction Mgmt


All of the various rituals and processes led me to seeing my need to let go of resistance and embrace acceptance of my existence the way I am. The two energy exercises Saturday evening were very powerful for me. What struck me from those two exercises was the deep feeling of accepting love from everyone in the room. The warmth and depth of that feeling was incredible.”

Ron, Family Therapist


“Being a first time participant, I didn’t know what to expect or receive. But once here, I immediately felt welcomed and part of a group, something I have never before experienced. I witnessed and became a part of a great sense of camaraderie in every sense of the word. There was no hierarchy, all egos were “checked at the door” and every man was equal.

I felt I was able to express myself with no inhibitions or fear of shame or embarrassment. I was able to be myself and was accepted for who I am. I was blessed with the knowledge that we all have our own issues and realized that I was not alone.

The group circles were a unique experience for me, allowing me to open up and express my feelings without judgment from the others – a feeling I will take with me and try to apply in my daily life when I leave here. Each of the attending participants are special in their own way, but we all came together as one. We all shared, we all offered of ourselves, and we all loved. The event opened my eyes as well as my heart and honestly gave to me a deeper understanding and insight to my fellow man, for which I am grateful.”

Christopher, Staging


“During the event, I had the opportunity to unplug from the outside world. I had the chance to share my deepest fears without the fear of being judged. I have taken something from everyone that was in attendance. I realized that I have a bad habit of making assumptions about my life and making those assumptions true in my own mind.”

Kendrick, Security


“What I got out of the event is a new respect for my innate wisdom, and for my own power to reclaim that wisdom. I also got the courage to pursue a life’s purpose, in my case, a means of earning money – that I have blathered about for several years”

Frank, Graphic Artist


” Over the course of the event, I was able to grapple with my estrangement from my male self, and accept and integrate it. This event and the men involved provided me the space to shed my boyhood self and helped build the platform to launch myself into the world as the man I truly am.”

Steele, Student


“If there is an experience which helps others to transform themselves into powerful creators of their own reality, it is this event. If you want to really get in touch with your Divinity and claim your power, do this event. You won’t be regretful. It is raw, it is wild, it is intense, it is real you.”

Koray, Entrepreneur


“The event was a journey to places deep in my soul. I encountered my demons, acknowledged them, and brought forward positive emotions, which had been missing in my life. It was a true transformational experience. We all have the capacity to love, trust, suffer and heal; and this event took us to all of our edges.”

Andy, Financial Advisor


“This was a weekend of learning for me, I learned so much of how I withhold, give, resist, love and most importantly see and acknowledge myself. There were some very challenging times, and some very glorious. I have renewed hope and enthusiasm for my path as a spirit in a male body. I am committed (re-committed) to fully experiencing and being responsible for my triumphs and pitfalls – it is the lesson I need. I am empowered to share myself with any others, male or female, who is whole and genuine. The honesty was cherished, validated, acknowledge, listened to, acted on, and fully respected. I was finally able to allow myself to fully participate without fear or reservation.”

Tony, Entrepreneur


“Through the many years of my dysfunctional existence, I sought after my divine inner spirit. This pursuit lead to drugs, sexual dysfunction, and endless self-loathing. Consequently my actions lead to psychiatrics, group counseling, inhibiting medication, and despair for the filling of my void. All hope was seemingly lost.

I then found out about this event. Even before attending, I had grouped this event with all the other forms of conventional treatment and assumed it would just be another exhausting futile attempt to fix me. My assumptions were wrong. For the first time I saw my world through the eyes of a supreme man, a man with a new found loving connection to my very essence. I an now armed to the teeth with the tools necessary to begin to face life on life’s terms and LOVE IT.”

Chris, Musician


“This event has supplied me with a unique experience to look at myself and find what lays hidden beneath the surface.”

Hans, Retired


“The support of this group carried me into confidence. By way of a ritual that the men carried out in my honor, I found something about me that has been missing. If you find yourself to be open to honest sharing, this event will be very powerful for you, and if you don’t find yourself open, then perhaps even more so.”

Ray, Construction